Teen Wellness was developed to impact adolescent teens with out of school life skills vital for the children’s physical, mental and social well being. Wellness skills necessitates an out of the box thinking and enhances critical and decision making capabilities. It creates a fertile ground for engagement and interactions among children leading to improved morale and boosting confidence and cooperation with peers.
Safety 4 Teens
This program aims at inculcating children with knowledge on how to keep safe through observing their environment, detect danger and learn how to mitigate and report. As the world embraces technological advancements and career parents, the focus on child security has become paramount. Children ought to learn how to keep safe at an early age to prevent or inhibit instances of child trafficking, peer pressure, molestation and other forms of violence meted at them or people around them.
Jifunze Body Care
This program aims at impacting general knowledge of one’s body, the anatomy, overall reproductive health and the concept of personal space. Target group are the adolescent children whose developmental stage leads to curiosity and discomfort towards their bodies. This program would equip children with knowledge of health and wellness, reproductive health and embody the values of body autonomy.